Tuesday 9 June 2015

Component 2

I: Termly Science Performance

1. What is your target?


2. What is my plan to achieve my target?

To study notes regularly and read the textbook and the internet for a more clear understanding of the topics learnt.

3. For tests, whats are the areas you need to improve and what concrete steps that you would take to improve?

The areas I need to improve is mainly about my concepts and some newly learnt topics. I will spend free time reading and memorizing concepts.

II: Reflections on Science Experiences.

Activity I...

Name of Activity: Aviation Science Sabbatical Air Race

Objective of Activity: To work in a group of 3, perform manual navigation and perform a flight through specific checkpoints.

Venue: Computer Lab 2 (School)

This activity have taught how to do manual navigation for aircraft and some flying experiences on the FS9-Cessna 172SP Skyhawk. I have understood the compass on the aircraft shows magnetic heading but using a protractor and ruler on a map, we will get the actual heading. Therefore, we need to convert that actual heading into magnetic heading so that we an flying towards our destination. The activity also gives me some time to fly the FS9. I had prior with the new and updated FSX Demo but the feel of flying using nothing but the mouse and flying using a joystick is completely different. Some things I can never try and learn using the mouse can be done using the joystick. For the air race, what I feel best is that it gives me a opportunity to work closely with the other members of my group to plan out the route and flying the aircraft.One bad point about the air race is that the trainer does not allow us to use all the functions the plane have like the autopilot so that we can get our hands off the joystick and plan the route. At first, me and another member of the group was planning the route then after we got our takeoff initial heading, we took off. Then after passing 2 checkpoints, I took over flying the plane for a decent and landing. I have many experiences with X-Plane (another type of aircraft simulator) and performed very smooth decent and landings. According to the map, one of the runways may have been used for parking so we tuned into air traffic control at or destination airport, which people who does not fly MFS does not know off. We are able to get clearance from air traffic control which runway we should land on and got directions to the airport.

Activity II...

Name of Activity: Indicators for Acids and Alkalis

Objective of Activity: To tell whether the solution is acidic, alkaline or neutral.

Venue: Science Lab

Picture of Activity:
Through this activity, I have how to handle chemicals in the lab, stirring and mixing chemicals, and most importantly how to separate acidic, alkaline and neutral chemicals from each other. The good thing about the activity is that I had a chance to do a hands-on experiment instead of reading off the textbook only. However, I had experienced problems controlling the volume of chemicals added such that they will be constant.

Activity III...

Name of Activity: Properties of Acids

Objective of Activity: To investigate the role of water in acid

Venue: Science Lab

Pictures of Activity:

During this activity, I compared the difference when water is added to citric acid crystals as compared to ethanol. With water added, the citric acid solution turned acidic by turning blue litmus paper red. The experiment helped me to understand the different effects water and ethanol have on citric acid crystals. However, the experiment may not be accurate due to contamination of the chemicals involved.

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