Tuesday 9 June 2015

Component 1

Issues in Teaching and Learning Science

1. Problems that you faced in the learning of Science and how you overcome these problems?

When learning Science, we get to know more concepts. However, sometimes our prior knowledge may go against these concepts. Sometimes what I had believed to be true for a long time was proved wrong by Science. Science is all around us so it is important we understand it so we understand more about the world we are living in. I tried to forget as much things when learning something new so the information wouldn't confuse me. Learning with a clean mind makes me learn more instead of refusing the Science concepts and only accepting what I believe is true. 
Another problem that I faced is that Science concepts can be hard to memorize by themselves. There are a lot of concepts that I have learnt and need to keep in mind. So, I read up on the Science concepts and understand more about them to help me memorize the Science Concepts better.

2. What are the scientific concepts that I have learnt?

a. Density is mass/volume. Density cannot be directly measured, it must be inferred from the 
relationship of the mass and volume. In order to calculate density, we have to take the precise mass and divide it with the exact volume.
b. Images in a mirror is laterally inverted.
c. Group 0 elements are noble gases.

3. How are these knowledge and skills useful and relevant to the real world?

Science is all around us. Science is what formed this world. So it is important that we understand Science thus we can explain what is going on around us. What we learn in the classroom is part of everyday life. It does not mean we have to see and feel the science going on, sometimes Science is invisible to the human eye. All the knowledge and skills got me to know the answers to some of the many questions around us. There is a question and answer to everything around us and it is called Science.

4. What I have learnt which is beyond my textbook/notes knowledge?

a. Element 117, a super-heavy element, have been found by scientists in Germany.
b. Mach 1, the speed of sound, is 661 knots at sea level.
c. Air pressure at a high altitude is so low that humans could not survive.

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